One Sign – Countless Possibilities
The high-definition sign is a natural eye catcher, which is ideal for both just-intime communication as well as planned communication such as campaigns and corporate identity. Digital signage offers flexible and effective exposure of messages, and it is not limited to just one message or one communicative purpose. One single sign can for instance be used for advertising corporate identity, welcoming guests, opening hours, campaigns, parking info, news, traffic information, local events and much more. The countless possibilities make it possible to compile content for the digital signs, which perfectly matches your communicative needs.
InSign is an elegant sign with a high resolution for indoor use. InSign can both be used in environments where the viewer is up to close to the sign and to communicate messages, which the viewers must be able to see from a distance e.g. informations, adverts and campaigns
With InSign EXP SMD-I you will among others get:
• High Definition for Eye-Catching Display
• Flexible Messaging for Just-In-Time and Planned Communication
• Effective for Both Close-Up and Distant Viewing
• Ideal for Indoor Use
Here, you’ll find all the essential details you need to know about our product’s features and technical aspects. For more information about the specific product, you can always contact one of our experts
Wifi, Network, USB